Head Start

Head Start is a preschool program that helps young children do well in elementary school. It provides children with learning activities that focus on social, physical, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Head Start is offered at multiple locations around Oakland County.  It also offers services for the families of enrolled children. These services support parents in their role as a child’s first teacher since doing so helps to strengthen family ties. Head Start focuses on the developmental needs of the child and family. Enrollment is prioritized based on income eligibility; families with special needs or foster children are encouraged to apply.


Must be a resident of Oakland County
Program accepts 3 and 4 year old children. Children must turn 3 on or before September 1st of the current school year.
Acceptance into the program is prioritized for families with income within the Federal Poverty Guidelines as documented with a current income tax return (or other supporting documents).
10% of slots reserved for children with a diagnosed disability


  • Provide a positive learning environment for young children.
  • Promote the social, physical, intellectual and emotional development of children enrolled in the program.
  • Ensure that our services are available to those who need it most.
  • Provide families with services or referrals necessary to ensure needs are adequately met.
  • Involve parents in education of their child through involvement in the program.
  • Help families overcome factors that put their children at risk.
  • Provide provisions that all children receive medical and dental services.
  • Educate families about health, mental health and nutrition issues as well as available services.
  • Ensure the provision of meals and snacks that are nutritious and meet USDA requirements.
  • Give children the opportunity to learn in an environment that meets their individual needs.


Head Start uses the High Scope (http://highscope.org/) curriculum to encourage children to do well in school. The High Scope curriculum differs from older methods due to its use of a process called "active participatory learning." Instead of receiving information passively children are guided through specially designed activities that allow them to experience the joy of discovery for themselves. The goal is to provide a literacy-rich environment where experienced professionals can encourage a child’s love of learning by providing positive reinforcement and feeding their curiosity.

Health & Nutrition

Head Start's commitment to wellness includes connecting families to local, low cost health services for enrolled children. These services include health and dental screenings as well as vision and hearing tests. Each child's health plan ensures that all age appropriate immunizations and screenings are obtained and that children and families are linked to an on-going source of medical care.
Children are served a hot meal and snack every day to meet two-thirds of their daily nutritional needs. Registered Dietitians on staff direct classroom and home base nutrition activities, assess the nutritional needs of the children and families, and refer them to the appropriate community resources.

Mental Health

Head Start mental health services focus on the mental wellbeing of children in the program. Collaborative relationships are built among children, families, staff, mental health professionals, and the larger community. Children are given opportunities to build self-esteem, acceptance, and understanding. Mental health professionals also help families cope with long or short-term stressful situations and assist them in accessing appropriate community referrals.

Parent Engagement

Head Start's commitment to wellness includes connecting families to local, low cost health services for enrolled children. These services include health and dental screenings as well as vision and hearing tests. Each child's health plan ensures that all age appropriate immunizations and screenings are obtained and that children and families are linked to an on-going source of medical care.
Children are served a hot meal and snack every day to meet two-thirds of their daily nutritional needs. Registered Dietitians on staff direct classroom and home base nutrition activities, assess the nutritional needs of the children and families, and refer them to the appropriate community resources.

Disability Services

Ten percent of the enrollment in Head Start is reserved for children with disabilities. This includes children with physical, hearing, visual, emotional, speech, and health impairments. Head Start staff work with community agencies to make sure that the special needs of such children are met.

Community Partnerships

Focuses on helping parents assess their family needs and identify the community resources available for help. Family Services strives to build upon the individual strengths of families to help them help themselves. The primary role is to provide support to families as they work to strengthen their family units and improve the quality of their lives. One of the main functions is to supply information and serve as a link between the family, the program, and the community. 

Please find contact information for our various locations here.

Head Start and Early Head Start Annual Report

Helpful Links

Bright Futures - Health and immunization information
ADA for Kids - Information and resources provided by the American Dental Association
Choose My Plate - Health and Nutrition Information for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
This website is supported by Grant Number 05CH011937 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of OLHSA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.