Your Support Makes a Community Difference!

Directed Donations

Would you like to support a specific opportunity for action? We will make arrangements for your funds to be donated toward that program. 
Download a contribution form and donate by mail!

Create a Legacy: Endowment Benefits

Your gift to OLHSA's endowment creates a lasting legacy.  Endowment funds ensure a stable future for quality programs that benefit community members.  OLHSA's Endowment Fund administrators are: The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (CFSEM)
Thank you for designating OLHSA for 
your recurring endoment support!
Checks supporting OLHSA's Endowment Fund can be sent to CFSEM. Please write "OLHSA Endowment Fund" in the check memo line. 
Mailing Address: Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, 333 W. Fort Street, Suite 2010, Detroit, MI 48226.

Event Participation & Sponsorship Opportunities

The Walk for Warmth is OLHSA’s annual fundraiser for  emergency services that help keep our neighbors safe and warm. Visit for more information on donating.
Thank you for helping OLHSA better serve people in need.


View OLHSA’s fundraiser page to find out what fundraisers are helping fuel our efforts to help people and change lives. 

Make a difference in your community.
Empower families to thrive with your donation!