Early Head Start

Early Head Start is a program designed to help very young children in low-income households. Parents are given the opportunity to learn the information and skills they’ll need to ensure their child’s healthy growth and development during the first three years of life.
Early Head Start lets parents know about any local community resources that they may qualify for as well as services that will help them make progress towards their own educational, literacy and employment goals. Early Head Start is a year-round program. Center based classrooms are available in Hazel Park and Pontiac or weekly home visits are offered county wide.


Families with children under 3 years of age
Income must be at or below federal poverty guidelines
Children with Special Needs or chronic/terminal illnesses
Please find Early Head Start locations here

Head Start and Early Head Start Annual Report

View the annual report here

Family Handbooks

View the 2022-23 Early Head Start/Head Start Family Handbook here.

Helpful Links

Zero to Three - Information on growth and development for children 0-3 years old for parents and professionals.
Centers for Disease Control - Information of growth and development, home safety and milestones for infants and toddlers
Bright Futures - Health and immunization information
Choose My Plate - Health and nutrition information for pregnant and breastfeeding women
Early On – For parents who are worried about the speed of their child’s development
La Leche League - mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
High Scope for Infants and Toddlers - educational curriculum used in Early Head Start classrooms.
Growing Great Kids - curriculum used for home visits in Home base Early Head Start. Primary focus on growing nurturing, empathic parent-child relationships and secure attachments, Includes comprehensive child development activities package, Grows family foundations with a series of family strengthening modules & Culturally competent and father friendly